startmenu setup
startmenu setup

Highlycustomizablestartmenuwithmultiplestylesandskins;Quickaccesstorecent,frequently-used,orpinnedprograms;Findprograms,settings,filesand ...,2024年4月11日—ImplementingacustomizedStartlayoutacrossyourorganization'sdevicesempowersadministratorswit...



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Classic Shell

Highly customizable start menu with multiple styles and skins; Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs; Find programs, settings, files and ...

Customize the Start layout

2024年4月11日 — Implementing a customized Start layout across your organization's devices empowers administrators with direct control over the Start menu ...

Customize the Start Menu in Windows 10 and Windows 11

2022年11月30日 — For easy access to your favorite apps and most-used settings, here's how to customize the Start Menu in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Hate the Windows 11 Start Menu? Here's How to Change ...

Go through the rest of the setup options to customize the Start button, taskbar, and search feature. You can set when and how the Start 11 menu appears from the ...

See what's on the Start menu

To make other changes to how the Start menu looks, select Start , then select Settings > Personalization > Start. ... Start menu itself and selecting Start ...

Start Menu X for windows 11

One-click launch. This is our own one-of-a-kind feature. Start Menu X replaces the yellow folder icons with application icons.


StartIsBack returns Windows 10 and Windows 8 a real fully featured start menu and start button, behaving exactly like the ones in Windows 7.

Windows 10 start menu

The right solution for replacing the Windows 10 start menu. Unique interface features.

Windows 10

To access these options, right-click the desktop, select Personalize, then choose Start. From here, you can choose to turn these options on or off. customizing ...


Highlycustomizablestartmenuwithmultiplestylesandskins;Quickaccesstorecent,frequently-used,orpinnedprograms;Findprograms,settings,filesand ...,2024年4月11日—ImplementingacustomizedStartlayoutacrossyourorganization'sdevicesempowersadministratorswithdirectcontrolovertheStartmenu ...,2022年11月30日—Foreasyaccesstoyourfavoriteappsandmost-usedsettings,here'showtocustomizetheStartMenuinWindows10andWi...

PinToStartMenu - 快速釘選項目到開始功能表

PinToStartMenu - 快速釘選項目到開始功能表


Portable TrayMenu 1.6 - 精巧方便的程式選單

Portable TrayMenu 1.6 - 精巧方便的程式選單
